Archive for new home

Snowy Snugglepants

Posted in Pets with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2010 by Salem Spookypants

My humans brought me home a new “brother” on Valentine’s Day. I was weary of this little white six month old kitten especially since he’s my arch enemy ie.. a ceiling cat!!!! They confined the little devil to the second bedroom to let him get acclimated for a few days. We corresponded through the door. He seemed very naive… perfect for corrupting.  On the third day the devil escaped and started to explore the rest of the condo. I watched intently as the white little kitty checked every little nook and cranny throughout MY home.  Then it donned on me, I can use this little kitten to my advantage MOL! So I befriended him within a few hours after formerly meeting, to the surprise of my human parents.

Nice to meet you Snowy

I actually like having the little guy around. We love to play all day long, wrestle and even nap with each other. Sometimes I even groom him because “white fur” is sooo last season!

Anyways, my humans renamed the little devil from “Pal” (horrible name, I know) to Snowy Snugglepants. I enjoy Snowy overall. It’s really fun to have a little brother that I can boss around all day. Here are some cute pictures of the little bugger.

Snowy Snugglepants

Snowy chillin in the popason chair

Snowy snipped my pillow!

Let me Introduce Myself…

Posted in Pets, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on October 13, 2009 by Salem Spookypants

My name is Salem Spookypants and I just happen to be a black cat.

I wanted to share with the world all of my experiences, likes, dislikes and adventures that  I have with my human parents Ashlee and Joe.

It all started when back in May, 2008 when my parents took a trip over to the Westfield Homeless Cat Project adoption center. They were searching for a kitten and had spent the last five months interviewing perspective kittens and cats but hadn’t come across the right cat until they finally met me.

My memory of what happened before I met my parents has faded away and I can’t even recall what exactly went on, but I was only 7 weeks old when I met them.

Anyways…. I was stuck in a small cage with another kitten about my own age. She was a very cute tiger kitten. There must have been about 15-20 other cages filled with at least 30-40 other adorable kittens. I was apprehensive about this whole adoption thing seeing as my chances were not so good…. But then it happened! A young couple walked into the small shed filled with all of us kitties. The male human (Joe) spotted me right away and asked to hold me. The adoption volunteers were eager to grab me out of my cage and hand me over to the human. I think it was love at first sight when he held me close to his burly face. I purred as loud as I could to show the human my love and I think he noticed.

He then handed me over to the female human (Ashlee). I instantly knew she was going to be my human mommy. I instantly grabbed her around her neck and rubbed my nose all over her trying to show her my affection and love.

After about 15 minutes of petting and getting to know each other they put me back in my cage. I was a little confused as to why they would do this to me but it seemed that they didn’t want to make any rash decisions on their future family member.

They picked up three other kittens and snuggled with them while I watched in horror before they came back to me.  I guess they just wanted to make sure that I was the “one.” They snuggled with me and told me that I was going home with them. I watched them scramble through their wallets and purse in search of the $70 adoption fee. My human mommy finally came up with the money and handed it over to the adoption volunteers and put a sign on my cage indicating I was taken.

Then the humans disappeared to the store next to my shed. I was scared at first that they weren’t coming back. Tsalem 7 weeksen minutes later they returned with my new traveling carrier.

Ohhh what a stressful first 30 minutes it was but it was one of the best days of my life!!


Salem Spookypants